White sands as far as the eye can see, uninhabited desert islands, bath-tub warm turquoise seas, turtles bobbing up to say hello, sand bars teeming with wildlife, sunken wrecks, palm trees bristling in the wind and the clearest waters on Planet Earth. Includes luxury private catamaran support boat and chef throughout and professional water safety staff with you at all times.
15 - 23 MAY / 2026




9 DAYS /

For this adventure you need a base level of fitness but you do not need to be an experienced kayaker.

8 nights accommodation / hotel and camping.

Professional water safety support and private catamaran support vehicle.

All meals during activity days included as standard, at hotels and in camp, cooked up by our expert catering crew. Tips in restaurants not included. Kayak snacks and lunch rations not included.

Kayaks and all associated equipment rental.

High quality medal, rat rag and premium t-shirt for all participants.

Airport transfers and private Catamaran return to Nassau included.

Flexible transfer policy up to 12 weeks prior to your departure date.

Professional local and UK safety staff, medics, drivers, route safety staff and Rat Race experts on hand throughout. Audited and accredited to BS8848 expedition safety standard.

White sands as far as the eye can see, uninhabited desert islands, bath-tub warm turquoise seas, turtles bobbing up to say hello, sand bars teeming with wildlife, sunken wrecks, palm trees bristling in the wind and the clearest waters on Planet Earth.
The Exumas, sometimes referred to as the Out Islands, are a remote and largely uninhabited chain of tiny sparkling specks of land in the Bahamas, shimmering on the far fringes of the Caribbean Sea. Making up one side of the fabled Bermuda Triangle, this incredible marine environment really is the epitome of what most people conjure when they think of a worldly paradise. Our adventure challenge sees us paddle over 200km through some of the most stunning turquoise water you will ever see in your life, with a private catamaran crew in support you are never far away from assistance. The best bit? You don't need to be an experienced kayaker to take this on, a little bit of kayak training before hand and a good base of fitness and strength work will allow you to take on this picture-perfect journey.
The overall distance is approximately 220km. This adventure unfolds at sea level, with the crystal-clear waters enveloping you and white sand stretching out underneath and all around you, as far as the eye can see.
The following schedule outlines our proposed itinerary. Distances, daily stages and in-trip logistics may change between now and departure and even during the trip, such is the nature of this major adventure undertaking at sea.
We ask that you arrive on an early flight from Nassau into Great Exuma (or arrive early and soak up the Caribbean vibes!). We will transfer everyone from the airport to our comfortable beachside accommodation. There will be some introductory safety briefings and we will check your kit to ensure you have everything you need for this predominantly ocean-based adventure. There will also be an orientation with the kayaks so we can check everyone is good to go with the gear we are going to be using for the next few days. We will then walk down to some fish shacks near to where we will do our kayak activities and you can buy some local catch for dinner if you like. We will keep it informal and get to know one another as the sun sets over the water..
MEALS: N/A. Find yourself a local eatery or come and sit with the Rat Race crew.
DISTANCE: Approx 35km on kayaks.
We will transfer early-doors to the very southern tip of Little Exuma Island to commence the Exuma Files. Today we will paddle alongside Little and Great Exuma before coming onshore for a night on terra firma.
MEALS: Breakfast, Pit Stop support, Dinner
DISTANCE: Approx 35km on kayaks.
This is our last day before we go into the deep blue sea and our desert island hopping adventure really begins.
MEALS: Breakfast, Pit Stop support, Dinner
DISTANCE: Approx 25km on kayaks
Transferring again to Barreterre where we finished on the bikes yesterday, now it’s time to come face to the face with the lion’s share of the effort – the kayak traverse of the upper Cays from Great Exuma to Norman’s Cay.
We will spend some time sorting boats and kit and ensuring you are all outfiited with everything you need. Then, moving off in pods of similar speeds/ abilities, we will make our way in a grand flotilla away from Great Exuma and into the big blue yonder.
Our stage today isn’t very long – around 25km in total. But with a bit of tide running against us and the wind just in the wrong place, it could be punchy. It’s a good ‘opener’ for you to get used to what lies ahead over the next few days. We will hope for the prevailing southerlies/ south-westerlies to speed us north anyway, stopping enroute at a lovely little Pit Stop where there is a sunken cave for a refreshing dip.
As you reach the end of the stage at Lingumvitae Cay, you will pull the boats ashore onto a pristine deserted island and strng up your hammock between the palms. Dinner will be served on the beach, with the sun setting on a perfect first day’s paddling in the Exumas. This is only just the beginning…
MEALS: Breakfast, Snack Lunch, Camp Dinner
DISTANCE: Approx 40km
As we pull away from Lingumvitae we will pass between Darby and Little Darby Islands and you’ll witness one of those classic Exuma scenes that you will get so accustomed to over the next few days – a lagoon-like section of sea between Cays, with a pure-sand bottom. It is like paddling through the world’s most picturesque open-air pool – the water all the time maintaining bathtub warm temperatures.
As we approach Musha Cay about 12km into today’s stage – an island owned by the magician David Copperfield – an unusual opportunity for a dip will occur. Sunken on the seabed in shallow water is Copperfield’s Piano, complete with mermaid seated and tickling the ivories. You will have some time to take a refreshing dive down to the Piano while having a well-earned snack. Back in the boats, we are now making for the small informal settlement of Blackpoint for some pizza, before kayaking onto the northern tip of Great Guana Cay to camp with the Iguanas.
It’s time to turn into the hammocks and enjoy the sound of the sea lapping away metres away from where you’re sleeping. Utter bliss.
MEALS: Breakfast, Snack Lunch, Simple dinner
DISTANCE: Approx 40km
This is the biggest mileage day so far and is crammed full of interest and action from the water. 15km into the day, we make our way first to 15km to yachties’ favourite Staniel Cay, home to the world-famous Exuma Swimming Pigs and also the Thunderball Grotto – a beautiful sunken cave feature used in the eponymous Bond movie.
As we move away from the superyachts and beach vibes of Staniel, we are back into island wilderness as we approach the boundary of the Exuma Land and Sea Park – a protected area with virtually no development within it – and teaming with marine life of all descriptions.
Part of the appeal of the Exumas as a kayaking undertaking is the variety of tidal and other sea conditions we experience. Although the tidal range is not enormous, the tides and currents do rip through the gaps between some of the islands, creating exciting ‘tidal race’ features and other marine phenomena. We will likely witness some of these features today and throughout the trip as we make our way hopping from island to island. These ‘crossings’ between islands are always exciting – and none more so than what lies ahead tomorrow.
MEALS: Breakfast (brunch at Staniel Cay), Catamaran dinner
DISTANCE: Approx 30km
Deep now within the Land and Sea Park, we head for Shroud Cays where we will put into the HQ of the Land and Sea Park before attempting what we dub simply as ‘The Crossing.’ We have been doing mini crossings of varying distances between islands and cays throughout our passage thus far, but today a bigger crossing looms large. As we depart Shroud Cays, we pass some smaller rock features before carrying out a much longer and exposed sea crossing to Hawksbill Cay. We may experience bigger swells and waves here as we are exposed to the full force of the open Ocean. Embrace the thrill as we head for the sheltered waters and one of the most beautiful cays on the trip: Our destination for the night – Hawksbill Cay.
MEALS: Breakfast, Snack Lunch, Catamaran Dinner
DISTANCE: Approx 21km
Whilst today is a shorter day in the boats, you will be weary from the constant attrition of the paddling, salt and sand everywhere and the general battering you may be feeling by now, at the hands of the Ocean.
We have a couple of shorter crossings to contend with, which ultimately bring us to the mangroves of Shroud Cay. A brief paddle through the mangroves changes our scenery to a new paddling experience – and the heat in these sheltered waters will likely turn intense, far from the cool of that constant Caribbean sea breeze.
Towards the end of the stage you will see Norman’s Cay looming on the horizon – Journey’s End. Situated around 1km offshore from Norman’s is one of the area’s most interesting and famous wrecks – that of a 1970s drug-smuggling plane which crashed on take-off from Norman’s when the island was owned by one of Columbia’s most notorious cartel figures. Lying in around 3 metres of water, it provides a final evocative Pit Stop for us to anchor up our support boats as you dive down and snorkel on the wreck, with tropical fish flitting in and out of the windows of its rusting hulk.
A few more km now and it really will be journey’s end as you pull up to our uniquely Caribbean finishline on the beach outside the legendary MacDuff’s bar. The beers are on us, as we toast a quite incredible week together adventuring in the Exumas.
MEALS: Breakfast, Snack Lunch, Celebration Dinner plus a couple of beers on us.
After having breakfast on the private yacht, the crew will sail you back to Nassau. You can learn to sail and help the crew or you can relax and unwind with the wind whistling through you hair and a cocktail in hand. This is such an incredible way to finish the trip as you sail away from Norman’s Cay across the Caribbean Sea. We wave you goodbye at the marina in Nassau, where our itinerary ends. Talk about finishing on a high. Wow – what an adventure!
ACCOMMODATION: N/A – Depart from Nassau International, or spend the night in Nassau with accommodation at your own discretion
MEALS: Breakfast. Service and itinerary ends upon arrival at the marina in Nassau
Our accommodation is characterised by three comfortable hotel nights, 1 night on a catamaran and 4 nights’ beach camping either in hammocks or tents. You are also able to spend some additional nights in the catamaran if camping is not your thing.
Our beach camps underline the very essence of the Exuma Files experience. The ability to string up your hammock* or put up your tent and gaze out on a Caribbean sunset with the sea lapping at a white sand beach yards away is simply sublime. Add to this our legendary campsite & catamaran catering – with local barbecue and loads of other goodies – then you onto a sensational way to end the day – every day – whilst on the water.
*Don’t worry if hammocks are new to you – we will help you out and will have pre-selected decent tree locations. Hammocks are totally optional and as standard tents will be provided for all.
All hotel accommodation is always offered on shared room basis. If you are taking part on your own, you will be paired with another participant/s of the same sex in a twin room unless you take any available single supplement. If you have preferences for who you share with, you are able to specify that prior to departure.
This accommodation is of a very good, clean standard. Bathroom facilities could be shared or en-suite and in general, the style of accommodation is always in keeping with the vibe of the area we find ourselves in – and always cosy and comfortable.​
Where we eat at a hotel, or nearby restaurant, Rat Race will always provide meal choices and/ or a set menu, with Gluten intolerant and Vegan options. You will be responsible for your own drinks in all instances.
We will always offer a hearty breakfast, both in the hotels. On the beach camps will will provide hot water if you wish to bring an expedition meal or we will cook up some porridge.
We will provide you with a calorie dense meal at the end of each activity day. At the hotel, this will be as it-down affair and when we are beach camping or dining on the catamaran the food will be plentiful and hearty. This will be a real highlight of the experience. At all times, we will cater for dietary intolerances and choices.
You will pay for your own drinks in the hotels and and Rat Race will run a pay-as-you-go beach bar at our camps. We will ensure our special beach bar is stocked with some real Caribbean favourites. When we get to journey’s end at Norman’s Cay, your final couple of drinks are on us.
Throughout the trip, all other beverages are on you. In all cases where we provide catering, we will cater for all reasonable dietary requirements and will always ensure there are Gluten-intolerant and Vegan options available.
​Whilst kayaking you will provide your own snacks. Fresh water will of course be available from the Catamaran throughout the duration of the trip. We will provide a lunch each day on the kayaks. That will be basic and sometimes will be a packed lunch offering and sometimes will be prepared on our Cat. Breakfast and dinner will be provided on each activity day and will be prepared by the Rat Race team . Expect simple and hearty meals and a BBQ or two thrown in there.
At Staniel Cay we will stop in the yacht club for lunch for a well-deserved burger. On our final night we will have a celebratory meal on Norman’s Cay.
The nature of an adventure is that sometimes, the uncertain becomes certain! That is all part of the adventure. Whilst we will always strive to pull off ‘Plan A,’ it may well be that for any one of a number of reasons, we cannot do so and we ned to wheel put Plan B, C or D. We do line up contingencies for many eventualities of course. But it is worth knowing that the course may change if we deem it prudent for your safety or for other operational or weather-based reasons and we must always reserve the right to do so. Ultimately our skill and judgement in organising such events is part of why you are entering, so we must be able to exercise this on your behalf where we deem it necessary. If we do have to make a route change, we will strive to inform you in good time (if that is possible). Usually, these unforeseen changes simply add to the flavour of proceedings and provide for a good story to tell at day’s end!
​Click ‘Buy Event Voucher’ and go through the sign-up process, you’ll then be issued with an event voucher which will automatically reserve you a place in the event you have chosen.
Rat Race require you to be over 18 on the day of Registration for this adventure. If you wish to participate as a family group or with a responsible adult and you are 16+, we will consider applications on an individual basis. Please contact us if this is the case.
At Rat Race we are determined to get you on the start line even when life throws up its own obstacles! If you find yourself unable to join us on the start line of this event, you are able to transfer your entry into an event credit voucher once for use on a new entry into an event of your choice, whether that be the same event a year later or a completely new adventure! Transfers must be requested within the qualifying transfer window to be accepted and processed. For Exuma Traverse this is 12 weeks from the Event start date. Credit vouchers are valid for 12 months from the date of issue. Credit voucher are exempt from the transfer process. To find out more information and how to submit a request, view of full transfer policy HERE
The latest kit list will be sent to you before the event within the Essential Event Information Document.
Of course. If you run for Children with Cancer UK and raise the target amount for this event per person, we will refund your entry fee up to the amount of £2500. You are of course more than welcome to fundraise for any cause close to your heart.
Yes, you can. We welcome support on almost all of our events and if you do decide you want to come and work with us, we will make sure we look after you. Click here to find out more about volunteering for Rat Race.
We’ve put together a fantastic new instalment plan that allows you to choose how many months you want to spread the cost of this brilliant adventure over. You can pay it off all in one go or spread it over as many months as you like, totally interest free. There is no credit check required to use this facility. When you sign up to the instalment plan Rat Race will then set up a reoccurring payment and your card will be debited on the same date each month. If there is an error with your payment you will receive reminders from Stripe, our payment provider, and also the Rat Race customer service team. After 3 attempts to contact you if the outstanding balance remains unpaid we will assume you wish to cancel your entry and will withdraw you from the event and you will not be eligible to enter our transfer process and no monies will be refunded.
Add Refund Protect to your booking during purchase and receive a full refund of your entry fee if you are unable to attend the event due to a qualifying unforeseen circumstance. PLEASE NOTE this protection is with our 3rd party partner Refund Protect and NOT Rat Race. In the event you make a refund application this is administered by the Refund Protect customer service team, Rat Race are not privy to the application and cannot intervene on your behalf to influence the outcome determined by their team.
To check the full list of qualifying unforeseen circumstances that are protected please click here to view Refund Protect terms and conditions.
To add Refund Protect (administered by a 3rd party) to your Rat Race booking simply select this option when presented during the entry process. Refund Protect cannot be added retrospectively. Rat Race will then send you name and booking details to Refund Protect in order to protect your transaction with them. If you opt to pay in instalments and transfer your entry before the entry cost is full paid you will be liable to ensure the cost of Refund Protect has been fully covered. This total amount will be deducted from any Rat Race credit due through the transfer process or you will be invoiced by Rat Race for the outstanding amount as Rat Race have paid this on your behalf to Refund Protect at point of entry.
Yes. You need a decent travel policy covering you for general travel and which covers participation in outdoor sports. You will also need what is called an Evacuation Insurance Policy, which is for if we need to send you back to the closest city for urgent medical attention via a helicopter or similar. We also recommend you have this in place as soon as you enter this event and that if you book flights, we highly recommend booking a flexible option for any last-minute changes you might need to make or to ensure you have maximum flexibility if you cannot attend for any reason.
Travel insurance is compulsory for our events, so please make sure your insurance policy covers the activities you will be participating in. There are a number of specialist providers available including Mann Broadbent
Once you’ve signed up, you will receive a confirmation email. After that, you will be kept in the loop closer to the event when we will send out our Essential Event Information approximately 12 weeks ahead of the event, detailing the full itinerary, what you need to bring and other important information relating to the specific event you have signed up for. We will also host webinars which you will be invited to (again, closer to the event), where you will have the opportunity to ask questions and go through your kit. There will be a final email one month ahead of the event, just to check you’ve completed all the important forms and are ready for the event ahead.
If you have chosen to pay in instalments, we will also get in touch with you if any of your payments have been missed.
Rat Race have been audited and accredited to the prestigious BS8848 expedition safety standard. We have firm emergency protocols and response systems in place whilst out on our adventures. Our main priority above all else is to keep you and our staff safe. Before we leave for each trip a comprehensive in-country risk and threat assessment has been conducted by the Head of Expeditions. All protocols are put in place relating to those assessments. We make sure that the staff involved have the highest level of first aid training; a higher level of medical cover is also put in place if needed; all instructors have qualifications and/ or competencies to match the adventure we will undertake. In the event of an emergency, Rat Race staff and appointed contractors have comprehensive knowledge of procedures which will rapidly be put in place. If needed, our staff will provide first aid and then further medical assistance and evacuation if needed in line with a published Medical Procedures Plan. We have medical back-up and Clinical Directorship provided by a specialist events medical company and we have further emergency response support services provided by competent contracted partner. All our cover is available 24/7 while operations are underway. We use our knowledge and emergency procedures to provide the best possible care in our often remote and austere environments. Before leaving on a trip, we will advise on the insurance cover you are required to have in place for the trip; we will ask for a copy of these insurance details before the departure date.
Race entry includes a glorious finishers medal and bespoke event Rat Race tee. We will request your tshirt size and this will be the size you will be given at Registration.
The short answer is no. The price for this event is for everything outlined on the website and it is very difficult for us to split this out. Our accommodation is based on group rates and is on a shared basis. All of our event logistics, support and organisation has been designed to have all the participants in the same locations to allow transfers, briefings etc to run smoothly and to let you bond with your fellow #ratracers! You are welcome to arrange your own accommodation if you wish but this will not result in a reduction in the event fee from us, you will also then be responsible for ensuring you are at our meeting points at the arranged time and we will not be able to transport you to and from your own accommodation, you will need to be able to do this independently.
No problem. Where we use hotels, rooms are offered on a twin / shared basis. If you wish to share with a fellow participant, you will be asked to add this information to your event participation from which we will issue you with approximately 12 weeks ahead of the event.
Unfortunately for this style of event, we cannot accommodate any supporters.
On the kayaks, we will be travelling as a group so we will all travel together at a similar pace. The group will be supported by our kayak guide. Throughout and from day 4 onwards, the catamaran will also be in support.​
On the water, we do have some specific aiming points (our campsites) and we will need to reach these locations each day. For days 1 and 2 we will travel together as a self-contained group. If people are struggling we can switch up the paddlers in the boats to rest those arms if needed. Once the catamaran comes alongside us from day 4, you can take a break from kayak stages if you wish by jumping on the boat. You are welcome to start again the next day, subject to medical advice.
Of course, we will give you some early starts to allow the very best possible window for route completion. But, if you need us we are there for you The absolute key is that you enjoy this amazing journey in paradise, at your own pace and within your own limits.
We are in a remote part of the world here and at all times, we are vigilant to the fact that we may have to change the plan. If the weather comes in or if we dictate that we must switch it up for safety reasons, we may decide to bring the group together as one and travel at close quarters, everyone very tight together, for safety – particularly on the sea stages. Our staff will make these determinations whilst we are in the field and based on weather info available at the time.
On the kayaks we will be travelling as a group with a guide so there is no need to worry about having a navigational device for this section. Of course, you are more than welcome to track your journey on your own device but we won’t be sharing a GPX file for the water section as the route can and most likely will change based on the conditions and there will be a guide to lead the way meaning you can focus on what is important, the adventure ahead!
When on the water, we will travel together with a guide. We have other crew members in the flotilla also.
From day 4 onwards, other team members will join us and will travel on what we call the ‘mothership’ - also known as the catamaran. If you do need to retire from the route for whatever reason from here on in, we can transfer you and your boat to the mothership for onward transit.
If it does get too much, if you get injured, get too hot, too cold, need sustenance, motivational support or otherwise, we will be able to assist and our team will never be far away out on the route. You are in good hands.​
On the water, we are asking you to come self-contained on snacks so you always have something to eat. We will provide breakfast, light lunch options and dinner while on the kayak phase, plus drinking water.
The kayak stages take place in incredibly clear, warm waters surrounding amazing tropical islands. There is a mix of what we would call ‘inshore’ and more exposed sea stages, giving a real selection of potential sea conditions to be experienced on this routing. There will be some absolutely serene paddling and there will be some pretty arduous paddling.
This kit list is from our 2024 event and may be subject to small changes.
Paddling kit
T-shirt (wicking)
Long sleeved top/shirt
Campsite trousers
Campsite t-shirt
Rash vest
Swimming stuff
Fleece/warm top
Gloves for paddling (Cycling gloves)
Sun Hat
Water shoes/trainers
Walking sandals
Personal kit
Photocopies of passport and all documents
Mobile phone
Headtorch plus spare batteries
Sunglasses CAT 3
Lipsalve with SPF
Personal first aid kit
Personal medication
Dry bags (Multiple small bags)
Wash bag
Loo roll in ziplock bag
Travel towel
Tooth brush
Tooth paste
Wet wipes (packet)
Hand sanitiser
Nappy bags
Camping gear
Sleeping bag (2 season)
Inflatable sleeping mat​
Drinking bottle
Water carrier
Snacks for the duration – 6 days worth (Nuts/cereal bars/protein bars/sweets)
Thin insulated jacket (synthetic)
Electrolytes for water
Trip clothing
Travelling outfit
Any casual hotel clothes
We will provide high-quality double ocean-going sea kayaks for all participants – which means we will pair you with another participant if you are taking part alone. Our fleet will be good quality well-known branded sea kayaks and will have undergone rigorous checks prior to departure. All kayaks are provided with pfd and paddle.
All prices are inGBP A booking fee of 2.99% will be added to all payments. Price shown is for Exuma 2026 when using our instalment plan.
We’ve put together a fantastic new instalment plan that allows you to choose how many months you want to spread the cost of this brilliant adventure over. You can pay it off all in one go or spread it over as many months as you like, totally interest free*. The payments will be split equally allowing you to budget and plan for this stunning journey. All payments to be made before February, 3 months prior to the event.
*When you sign up to the instalment plan Rat Race will then set up a reoccurring payment and your card will be debited on the same date each month. If there is an error with your payment you will receive reminders from Stripe, our payment provider, and also the Rat Race customer service team. After 3 attempts to contact you if the outstanding balance remains unpaid we will assume you wish to cancel your entry and will withdraw you from the event and you will not be eligible to enter our transfer process and no monies will be refunded.
Please see here for full terms and conditions and our cancellation policy.
Add Refund Protect to your booking during purchase and receive a full refund of your entry fee if you are unable to attend the event due to a qualifying unforeseen circumstance. PLEASE NOTE this protection is with our 3rd party partner Refund Protect and NOT Rat Race. In the event you make a refund application this is administered by the Refund Protect customer service team, Rat Race are not privy to the application and cannot intervene on your behalf to influence the outcome determined by their team.
To check the full list of qualifying unforeseen circumstances that are protected please click here to view Refund Protect terms and conditions.
To add Refund Protect (administered by a 3rd party) to your Rat Race booking simply select this option when presented during the entry process. Refund Protect cannot be added retrospectively. Rat Race will then send you name and booking details to Refund Protect in order to protect your transaction with them. If you opt to pay in instalments and transfer your entry before the entry cost is full paid you will be liable to ensure the cost of Refund Protect has been fully covered. This total amount will be deducted from any Rat Race credit due through the transfer process or you will be invoiced by Rat Race for the outstanding amount as Rat Race have paid this on your behalf to Refund Protect at point of entry.

At Rat Race, we create extraordinary adventures for everyone people. We know we’re a premium brand and that those adventures are premium experiences. In our 20th year, we have decided that our commitment to investment in our standards, safety and quality of experience should be matched in our commitment to the transparency in showing how we spend your hard-earned cash in bringing these adventures to life.
So here it is. A pie chart of how we spend your money in bringing our events and trips to life.

Abbi Naylor
May 2022
"It was unbelievable and very memorable.”
Just woken up this morning in paradise after an epic week as a Test Pilot for Rat Race in Exuma & I'm now reflecting back on this mind-blowing experience. We set out by cycling the length of Little Exuma & Great Exuma, covering 75km+ in searing heat and humidity before jumping in the kayaks and paddling over 160km up the archipelago to Normans Cay. We completed the challenge in 6 days, wild camping on the beaches en route.The contrast of the stunning location and breath-taking imagery with the relentless and punchy physical challenge was significant. I felt so fortunate to be able to travel through this stunning place. This was the most special expedition. And probably my most favourite trip with @ratracehq as Expeditions Manager so far. Take a look. Sign up. Come and join the adventure in 2023

Cath Wallis
May 2023
"Definitely one for everyone’s adventure list."
This was my 4th Ratrace International event and it won’t be my last! We have lots of options for adventure holidays, but none match the combination of physical and mental challenge, stunning locations and camaraderie of Ratrace. When I do these events I know its going to be tough, but that every single person there will support each other like family, and I will be visiting a place that is truly special when you traverse it on your own steam. Exuma was spectacular - from the crystal clear turquoise waters, to the sandy beaches; wrecks, rays, nurse sharks and swimming pigs! Definitely one for everyone’s adventure list.

May 2023
"Highly recommended this trip. It’s pricey but includes a catamaran, private plane and desert islands."
Just got back from ‘Exuma Files’. Absolutely amazing trip in a truly stunning location. The days were long but manageable with plenty of time to enjoy the surroundings. The Rat Race team were fantastic. Big shout out to Abbi for her friendly and organised leadership, Dovey for his laid back approach and brilliant kayaking skills and Leo for his brilliant eye for a photo opportunity. You couldn’t ask to travel with a better team. The camp locations were out of this world and only bettered by the support vehicle - a luxury Catamaran! Highly recommended this trip. It’s pricey but includes a catamaran, private plane and desert islands.
Our longstanding partnership with Children with Cancer UK gives #ratracers the opportunity to raise much needed funds for this great cause in exchange for a refund of their entry fee. So far our #ratracers have raised over £2million for Children with Cancer UK and we would love for you to join the team to help us chase down that £3million target!
The funds you raise will be invested into vital specialist research to improve survival rates in children and young people and help more of them ring the end of treatment bell.
All you need to do is set up a Just Giving page here and start your fundraising! You will have until 1 month after the event date to hit your target and then send us the link to your page which will allow us to process your refund. Refunds will be made 2 – 3 months after the event completion date.
Refunds are not mandatory you are welcome to opt-out of receiving a refund. Should participants opt-out their refund will instead be used by Children with Cancer UK to help fund their research.
If you choose to support Children with Cancer UK and raise £5000, you will also receive:
A Children with Cancer UK fundraising and training pack
Regular Children with Cancer UK updates
A dedicated point of contact at the charity
A technical Children with Cancer UK t-shirt to wear with pride
For more information on Children with Cancer UK please visit www.childrenwithcancer.org.uk.
Alternatively please contact the Sports Team on 020 7430 7788 or email sports@childrenwithcancer.org.uk.
Children with Cancer UK is a registered national charity (no. 298405)